Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

Thank you for an adventure filled 2012. 
Let's have an amazing 2013!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

  This picture was taken in front of the Wichita Art Museum  and was our Christmas card and stamps.  Zazzle did a great job printing the 33 cent postcard stamps but they were HUGE.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

4 Wheels / 2 Wheels

Smiling Cat

There's been quite a lot going around about that grumpy frowing cat on the internet lately but what I like is a smiling cat.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Yesterday's leaves

Reason for the Season

I've seen lots of flash mob videos and they are soooo sooo 2010 but the voices on this one sure sound like angels to me...remember there is a reason for the season.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Everything Old is New Again.

This customer supplied photo (of your's truly) was snapped with a 45 year old Polaroid "instant film" camera at Lawrence Photo.  Yup!  We carry that stuff down at the store.  This camera shoots both black and white and color and uses the "peel apart" type film  We will soon be stocking the new Impossible Project film for the old Polaroid Sun 600 and SX70 cameras.

Stop in and say hi sometime and hopefully you won't catch me sleeping on the job.  

The Marmalade

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Turkey Day & Stuffed

Just received this in from a Kansas City photographer who captured our escape from a Thanksgiving Feast.

Monday, November 26, 2012

(55 x 3) x 2 = Nippy!

Sunday was a great warm day with a high predicted in the upper 50's so Him and I took the bike out for a ride about.  I will confirm that unless dressed properly, 55 miles, averaging 55 mph in 55 degree weather can feel rather cool but well worth getting out and visiting friends not too terribly far from home.  The 54 mile ride home near just before sunset did get a bit nippy!

Friday, November 16, 2012

1958 How Kodak - How Film Is Made

This little gem came to me by way of one of our Facebook buddies at Lawrence Photo and it was so good I just had to share it. 

 The year was 1958 and this is how Kokak made film then.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Carmina Burana - O Fortuna

Ever wondered what the heck those words meant when hearing the quiet and building chants of Carmina Burana - O Fortuna? Take a listen below cause it's got subtitles. Following that, the link below is from the Wichita Eagle's article about this weekend's Wichita Symphony Orchestra's performance will accompany 300 vocalists from The Wichita Symphony Chorus, Wichita Community Children's Choir, and Friends University Singing Quakers Friday and Saturday and then on Sunday with the Bethel College Concert Choir in place of the Singing Quakers.

Wichita Eagle on the the upcoming Irreverent Carmina Burana

Deb Morris - Wavelets

Check out Deb Morris' photography of small waves ...

Read the article here and follow the link to a gallery of more images. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do Not Call List

Want to avoid telemarketers or robo calls?  Join the national do not call list.  Register up to 3 phone numbers and your done!

Help My Toaster is Possessed!

Stephen Wilkes - Time Travel

Steven Wilkes is an extraordinary photographer melding time into night into a single printed images.  Watch the video from CBS Sunday Morning to see how he did it!
Stephen Wilkes - Time Travel - Day into Night

Monday, November 12, 2012

Truck Stop Honeymoon

Well Him and some of our friends met up at Old Cowtown Museum at their swanky Empire House and got to hear the world traveled musical group Truck Stop Honeymoon.  Did not know I was going to get to go too!  You see we just walked down so Him could buy a ticket and they said I could go too but I would have to have a ticket if I was going to have my own chair....which of course I needed that.  I must have had the best seat in the the aisle on the second row.  When I got bored though I did get held by the nice lady Kim who runs Kansas Humane Society.  Him's known her a long time and said she was a CEO/President of the place.  Maybe we all should send them a check and help out less fortunate critters that don't get to go to fancy concerts all the time.

Jack's At It Again

Jack Frost and some of his most recent handiwork.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fashion Sunday

Fashion and beauty is not and need not be restricted by age, location or social convention....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rock the Vote!

@ Where'd that come from?

Ever wonder where the @ symbol came from?  First used in 1536 a Florentine merchant used it to quantify units of wine shipped in clay containers known as amphorae.  This little used character - up until recent history with the advent of the everyday commodity known as the internet - resided quietly and rather ignored for the most part until Ray Tomlinson a scientist at BNN Technologies in Cabridge Massachuseets needed a little used character so he could send a messaged to another computer through a network called Arpanet (the predecessor to the internet). 
  "The address needed an individual's name, he reasoned, as well as the name of the computer which might service many users.   ... Tomlinson's eyese fell on the @ poised above "P" on his Model 33 teletype"  - Smithsonian September 2012