Monday, October 31, 2011

A Lazy Weekend

This past weekend was a very laid back weekend and after my visit to the vet I was ok with that.

Saturday evening was spent outdoors with some friends staying warm in front of a roaring fire.  Fall is my favorite time of the year.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Annual Visit or Earning A Green Medal

Ok we got up early this morning and bundled up without even a walk around the block.  Him put me on the motor bike and I was excited because we heading in a direction we don't normal go.  It was cold but I was in my blue coat so it was not too bad of a ride.  And then we were there, Caring Hearts Clinic and I was kinda surprised since we had just been there earlier this week.  Seems it was time for my "annual checkup."  I love the girls there and the doctors too.  There are a couple of cats I like there as well.  Caring Hearts is where I first met Him and then later adopted him as my personal caretaker.

Anyway today was NOT FUN...not fun at all.  The nice Dr. Lusk checked me out thorough going over; heart, joint movement, fur, skin and yadda yadda. They stuck some  liquid into my nose for something called bordeytellall or something like that so I don't get a nasty kennel cough.  I did not have to get a shot this time and thought I was in the clear.  I was wrong!  Then out came the needle and I whined.  I cried something fierce.  Dr. Jerry who I LOVE LOVE LOVE sez back in my genetic history there must be some dachshund because my veins "roll" and it is hard to draw blood for some sort of important test.  As if that was not bad enough, next she pulled out some latex gloves (guys you might have an idea where all this was heading) and I only thought my dignity and self had been intruded upon with the needle.  After it was over though Dr. Lusk said maybe I would not itch back there for a while now but I'm still not convinced it was worth it.  And then the WORST part of the visit happened.  They took me back to the back room and clipped my toe nails.  Inspite of the racket and pleading, whinning, crying and nipping they would not stop.  That nice pretty girl even said I was being bad. But you know what afterwards I gave her a big kiss and hopes she forgives me.

I got a pretty green medal for being as brave as I could.

Final Friday Art

Last night was a busy night in Wichita and we made it to several galleries.  1st on our list is one of Wichita's newest and smallest, The Aviary Gallery at Bluebird Art  where Kim Lister was the featured artist.  We also stopped by Shop Keepers Gallery and saw Lauren and the Halloween based show there.  At Gallery XII and Vinteral Gallery we saw tons of great art and people we love!

Center Gallery specializes in photography and always has a surprise or two and Bob Schwan Studios was featuring the work of Brian Hinkle who was showing a series of colored variations of the willow trees at Botanica, James Kandt's fantastic paintings and of course Bob Schwan's playful abstract dog portraits.

We wound up the evening on Commerce Street where Julia Crider was showing a combination of retrospective work as well as new works at the new In Between Gallery.  I wound up the evening at the Go Away Garage with the Scary Show and loads of my favorite people.  Him went on down the street and checked in on Curt Clonts, David Murano, Linda K. Robinson, Tanya Tandoc & Beth Golay at Diver Gallery...Him said Wow!  Him's last stop was at The Jones Gallery where him saw awesome B&W Kansas landscape photography by Mark Luterman where every framed piece was only $100. and such a steal him said.

This is where I spent the last hour or so of the Final Friday Gallery extravaganza being rocked back and forth in the arms of this purty lady.

I had a great evening and had no idea what was in store for me the next morning but it's nap time now and I'll blog about that later.


Friday, October 28, 2011

More Fan Mail

The fan mail continues to pour in... This week's pick/favorite show two of my bestest friends in Utah right after each one of them said "I do."  Never knew that kissing required protective gear like helmets and boots.  But maybe these kids know what they are doing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

43° F & Blue Coat

43° F and Him decided today to ride the bike to work.  Wondered what was going on when suddenly the "coat" that John Z. gave me last year to wear suddenly appeared.  Just like something your cousin gave you that no longer fit this one is not exactly tailored to my fine physique.  But I've not seen a SB&L Shop (Short legs, Big chest, & Long torso) specializing in K9 apparel.  So after several attempts John found a coat that is plaid lined....maybe it's not Burberry - but what the heck - with a blue nylon outer shell and like your cousin's hand alongs has to be turned up so as not to get in the way of my business.

Quite honestly it is a bit silly looking but it did cut the wind and made the ride to work pleasant and I did not even shiver.  Maybe Bonnie Bing with her fashion sense might have a suggestion.  In the meantime I'll make do with my blue coat.

I am sure there will be photos to follow soon enough.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Is In The Air !

Ok, so I work in a camera store as many of you know, but I don't actually take photos myself.  I leave that up to him.  Him is also my driver, walker, general handyman, cook, and jack of all trades.  Him took this photo this morning along one of my favorite walking paths here in beautiful Riverside - Wichita America with his telephone, calendar, internet surfing gizmo, GPS and camera thing-a-ma-bob.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Well I ain't no Mona Lisa ....

But I do think he got my good side...

2009 Video FootBall TryOut

I did not hear back from KU or K-State after this video ..... 
wonder if the Cowboys would be interested in my talents?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday In the Park....

 So Sunday afternoon a friend said, "Hey, let's ride down to O.J. Watson Park and get a couple shots of you on your motorbike.  It was a great blue sky day with a slight breeze out of the southwest.  I ended up taking a nap while and resting up for the ride back while the guys sat around a shot the breeze.

The #271 tourist train went past us a couple time that was pretty cool also.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yes. Yes We Can!

Ok, so in lieu of a photo or an illustration today I wanted to post this work of local artist Switchum to show that with a little bit of determination you can do anything.  You see, today I rode my motorbike to work for the first time.  It went without a hitch...perfect day for a ride.  Clear blue wind free Kansas morning.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Being a Saturday morning the traffic was light and we did not want to cause a commotion on our maiden voyage to work.  The only incident that occurred was at a stop light when a guy in the cross walk saw us and gave a thumbs up.  He then stepped in front of us and fumbled with his digital camera.  While fumbling trying to take our photo the light turned green and we nearly missed the green light.  Celebrity is not without cost I suppose.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh, The Great Pumpkin!

Oh Great Pumpkin....your legend is great and patiently I wait.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I Got Goggles!

So I tried on several pairs of goggles this weekend and thought I liked the look of the extra-small googles the small goggles did not pinch my nose and let me blink my eyes so just like shoes and anything else, fit matters.  Besides after reviewing the photos again, the extra small goggles made me look a little too Ray Charles.
too small

Just Right

Thursday, October 6, 2011

K9's on Bikes

Well when him started talking about getting a bike for me to ride it was about a bike with a sidecar.  But when I am riding a 4wheeler down a country road I like to be looking over the handle bars nose into the oncoming wind...which gives me a greater sense of actually riding and driving the contraption myself.  Not saying I have given up on the idea of my own private riding compartment but for now think I will stick to sharing the seat.

Oh, finally I got to ride my bike last night for the first time.  We rode through Riverside Park and then around Botanica and the new twistie blacktop course around it.  WooHoo!  Lets do that again!  On my wish list is a pair of goggles and maybe a helmet. I got a checkered bandanna yesterday from one of our riding coaches.  For those that might be concerned about safety issues on me riding a bike well I have a harness (accessories are necessities) that I buckle into that is attached to him's belt on a short tether so I am securely in place even when cornering.

Let's Ride!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I Got Fan Mail !

I am so blessed to have such good and understanding friends, that I just had to share this:

"Tag dearest, I just love your blog!  I have it bookmarked so I can read it first.But most of all, I love the "Fashionably Late birthday card.  Especially the most interesting halo I have ever seen (yes, I have seen a few ---very few).  It certainly deserves to be framed.
Thank you Tag. Hugs and scratches, 

Katie you are the best! I bet you have seen lots of halos....some just need a little polishin'.   
Keep the letters and mail coming.  I'll do my best to answer all.  